

These articles, written for Duckworks Magazine, follow the development process through the prototype for Trilobyte 16 X 4, and describe building a T32 X 12 for a friend, and provide information on our new liveaboard T26 X 7 (Slacktide).

To read these files, you need Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it, get it here.

Designing Trilobyte 16

Building the Prototype

Cruising the Prototype/Sailing the Modified Crab Claw Rig

Building the T32 X 12

Building the T26 X 7 (Slacktide)

T26 X 7 (Slacktide) Sea Trials


Leg I: Sitka to Warm Springs Bay

Leg II: Baranof Warm Springs to Haines

Leg III: Haines to Tenakee Springs

T10X4: A TriloBoat for the Around In Ten


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